UEFI Bootloader (Part 2)

In the previous section, we wrote a simple UEFI entry point for the bootloader. In this section, we'll use the UEFI API provided to us through the UEFI system table to print a simple message to the screen.

UEFI System Table

The UEFI system table is a data structure that is passed to the bootloader by the UEFI firmware. It contains pointers to various UEFI services, such as the console, file system, and memory management. We'll start by defining the system table in src/bootx64.nim:

# src/bootx64.nim

  EfiStatus = uint

  EfiHandle = pointer

  EfiTableHeader = object
    signature: uint64
    revision: uint32
    headerSize: uint32
    crc32: uint32
    reserved: uint32

  EfiSystemTable = object
    header: EfiTableHeader
    firmwareVendor: WideCString
    firmwareRevision: uint32
    consoleInHandle: EfiHandle
    conIn: pointer
    consoleOutHandle: EfiHandle
    conOut: ptr SimpleTextOutputProtocol
    standardErrorHandle: EfiHandle
    stdErr: SimpleTextOutputProtocol
    runtimeServices: pointer
    bootServices: pointer
    numTableEntries: uint
    configTable: pointer
  SimpleTextOutputProtocol = object
    reset: pointer
    outputString: proc (this: ptr SimpleTextOutputProtocol, str: WideCString): EfiStatus {.cdecl.}
    testString: pointer
    queryMode: pointer
    setMode: pointer
    setAttribute: pointer
    clearScreen: proc (this: ptr SimpleTextOutputProtocol): EfiStatus {.cdecl.}
    setCursorPos: pointer
    enableCursor: pointer
    mode: ptr pointer

  EfiSuccess = 0
  EfiLoadError = 1


We're particularly interested in the conOut field, which is a pointer to the console output interface SimpleTextOutputProtocol. We'll use this to clear the screen (using the clearScreen function) and print to the screen (using the outputString function).

Printing to the screen

Let's start by clearing the screen. To avoid returning to the UEFI shell, we'll call the quit function, which eventually calls the exit function we implemented earlier, which halts the CPU.

# src/bootx64.nim

proc EfiMain(imgHandle: EfiHandle, sysTable: ptr EFiSystemTable): EfiStatus {.exportc.} =
  discard sysTable.conOut.clearScreen(sysTable.conOut)


When we compile and load this in QEMU, we see a blank screen, as expected.

Next, let's print a simple message to the screen. We'll use the outputString function, which takes a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-16 string. Nim supports UTF-16 strings through the Utf16Char and WideCString types. Before we start using WideCString, I want to highlight a difference in how Nim declares this type in the presence of a nimv2 flag. Without this flag, Nim defines WideCString as a ref UnchekcedArray[Utf16Char]. With the nimv2 flag, Nim defines WideCString as a ptr UncheckedArray[Utf16Char].

# nim-2.0.0/lib/std/widestrs.nim

when defined(nimv2):
    WideCString* = ptr UncheckedArray[Utf16Char]
    WideCStringObj* = object
      bytes: int
      data: WideCString
    converter toWideCString*(x: WideCStringObj): WideCString {.inline.} =
      result = x.data

    WideCString* = ref UncheckedArray[Utf16Char]
    WideCStringObj* = WideCString

Since we're going to pass a pointr to a null-terminated UTF-16 string to outputString, we need to use the ptr version of WideCString. So let's add the nimv2 flag to our nim.cfg:

# nim.cfg


We create a wide string using newWideCString (which returns a WideCStringObj), use the toWideCString converter to get access to the underlying data buffer, and then pass it to outputString.

# src/bootx64.nim

proc EfiMain(imgHandle: EfiHandle, sysTable: ptr EFiSystemTable): EfiStatus {.exportc.} =

  let msg = newWideCString("Hello, world!\n").toWideCString

  discard sysTable.conOut.clearScreen(sysTable.conOut)
  discard sysTable.conOut.outputString(sysTable.conOut, msg)



When we compile and load this in QEMU, we see the message printed to the screen, as expected.

Bootloader Hello World

Let's make it easier to create a wide string by adding a W prefix operator to string:

# src/uefi.nim

proc W*(str: string): WideCString =

Now we can create a wide string using W:

# src/bootx64.nim

proc EfiMain(imgHandle: EfiHandle, sysTable: ptr EFiSystemTable): EfiStatus {.exportc.} =

  discard sysTable.conOut.clearScreen(sysTable.conOut)
  discard sysTable.conOut.outputString(sysTable.conOut, W"Hello, world!\n")



Using echo

Preparing a UTF-16 string and calling outputString every time we want to print to the screen is tedious. Ideally we should be able to use the built-in echo procedure to print to the screen. This requires us to define a stdout file descriptor, and implement fwrite to use the UEFI outputString function. But instead of making the libc module deal with UEFI internals, we'll create a new module called uefi to handle this. We'll also move all the UEFI types and constants to this module. In the process, we'll mark all types, constants, and vars as public so that they can be used by other modules.

# src/uefi.nim

  EfiStatus* = uint

  sysTable*: ptr EfiSystemTable

proc consoleClear*() =
  assert not sysTable.isNil
  discard sysTable.conOut.clearScreen(sysTable.conOut)

proc consoleOut*(str: string) =
  assert not sysTable.isNil
  discard sysTable.conOut.outputString(sysTable.conOut, W(str))

proc consoleError*(str: string) =
  assert not sysTable.isNil
  discard sysTable.stdErr.outputString(sysTable.stdErr, W(str))


We'll initalize the sysTable variable in src/bootx64.nim later. Let's implement fwrite to use the consoleOut procedure we just defined. Notice that we don't use the stream argument to differentiate between stdout and stderr here (since they're both nil for now). We'll leave that for later.

# src/libc.nim

import uefi

proc fwrite*(buf: const_pointer, size: csize_t, count: csize_t, stream: File): csize_t {.exportc.} =
  let output = $cast[cstring](buf)
  return count


Now let's update src/bootx64.nim to initialize the sysTable variable and call echo to print to the screen.

# src/bootx64.nim

import uefi

proc EfiMain(imgHandle: EfiHandle, sysTable: ptr EFiSystemTable): EfiStatus {.exportc.} =
  uefi.sysTable = sysTable

  echo "Hello, world!"




When we compile and load this in QEMU, we still see the message printed to the screen, as expected.

Handling exceptions

Right now, if an exception is raised we won't see any output on the screen. In fact, the bootloader will return the default value 0, which will cause the firmware boot manager to load next.

In a normal application, Nim generates a main entry point which executes our top-level code, and then checks for exceptions, and if one was raised it prints the exception message to stderr. There's an unhandledExceptionHook we can use to set to a custom handler, but the issue is that it's only called when Nim is in charge of generating the main entry point. Since we're using --noMain:on and provoiding a custom EfiMain entry point, we need to handle exceptions ourselves.

We'll do this by wrapping the code in EfiMain in a try block, and printing the exception message (and the stack trace, if one exists) to the screen if one was raised. To avoid cluttering the try block with a lot of code, we'll move that code to a new EfiMainInner procedure.

# src/bootx64.nim

proc unhandledException*(e: ref Exception) =
  echo "Unhandled exception: " & e.msg & " [" & $e.name & "]"
  if e.trace.len > 0:
    echo "Stack trace:"
    echo getStackTrace(e)

proc EfiMainInner(imgHandle: EfiHandle, sysTable: ptr EFiSystemTable): EfiStatus =
  uefi.sysTable = sysTable

  # force an IndexDefect exception
  let a = [1, 2, 3]
  let n = 5
  discard a[n]

proc EfiMain(imgHandle: EfiHandle, sysTable: ptr EFiSystemTable): EfiStatus {.exportc.} =

    return EfiMainInner(imgHandle, sysTable)
  except Exception as e:



When we compile and load this in QEMU, we see the exception message and stack trace printed to the screen, but it looks like the newlines are not being printed correctly.

Catching Exceptions 1

The problem is that Nim uses LF as the newline character, but UEFI expects CRLF. We can fix this by modifying the fwrite procedure to split the string into lines, and print a CR after each line.

# src/libc.nim

import std/strutils

proc fwrite(buf: const_pointer, size: csize_t, count: csize_t, stream: File): csize_t {.exportc.} =
  let output = $cast[cstring](buf)
  for line in output.splitLines(keepEOL = true):
  return count


Catching Exceptions 2

Much better! We just have to keep in mind that stack traces are available only in debug builds (which is the default). If we compile in release mode, we won't see the stack trace. But this is great! We now have a way to print to the screen and catch and display unhandled exceptions (so we're not flying blind).

The next logical step is to load our kernel from disk, but we don't have a kernel yet. So we'll take a short break from the bootloader and start working on the kernel in the next section.

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