Targeting UEFI (Part 1)

Traditionally, booting an operating system on x86/x86_64 hardware has been done using the BIOS. The BIOS has been considered legacy for a long time, and has been replaced by UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) on most modern hardware. We no longer have to write a boot sector in assembly and rely on BIOS interrupts to load the OS. In this section we will focus on cross-compiling to UEFI (we'll get to the actual booting part later).

Since there is no OS to target yet, we'll need to cross-compile to a freestanding environment (as opposed to an OS hosted environment), where only a subset of the C standard library and runtime is available. That means we can't use features from the standard library that rely on OS support like memory allocation, threads, IO, etc.


Build a minimal UEFI executable using Nim. The executable should assume a freestanding environment and does nothing but return 0 from the entry point.

Building a PE32+ executable

The first hurdle we have to overcome is that the UEFI firmware expects a PE32+ executable (Portable Executable with 64-bit extension to the standard PE32 format), which is an executable format used by Windows. It also expects the executable to follow the Windows ABI x64 calling convention. But since we're developing on Linux, we'll need a way to cross-compile our bootloader to this format.

Let's forget about Nim for a moment. Can we cross-compile a simple C program to a freestanding PE32+ executable on Linux? This is why we installed clang earlier, which supports multiple targets. The target we're interested in is x86_64-unknown-windows (the unknown part is for the vendor, which is not important in our case). We also need to tell the compiler that we don't have a standard library by passing the -ffreestanding flag:

// main.c

int main() {
    return 0;
$ clang -c \
    -target x86_64-unknown-windows \
    -ffreestanding \
    -o build/main.o \

$ file build/main.o
build/main.o: Intel amd64 COFF object file, not stripped, 6 sections, symbol offset=0x143, 16 symbols, created Thu Nov 30 02:47:57 2023, 1st section name ".text"

We have a COFF object file, which is what PE32+ executables are based on. Now let's link it by telling clang to use the lld-link linker (which is the lld linker flavor that targets Windows):

$ clang \
    -target x86_64-unknown-windows \
    -fuse-ld=lld-link \
    -o build/main.exe \
lld-link: error: could not open 'libcmt.lib': No such file or directory
lld-link: error: could not open 'oldnames.lib': No such file or directory

The linker is trying to statically link libcmt.lib, the native Windows CRT startup library, and oldnames.lib, a compatibility library for redirecting old function names to new ones. We're not going to rely on these default libraries, so we can tell the linker to exclude them by passing the -nostdlib flag:

$ clang \
    -target x86_64-unknown-windows \
    -fuse-ld=lld-link \
    -nostdlib \
    -o build/main.exe \
lld-link: error: <root>: undefined symbol: mainCRTStartup


The linker is unable to find the C runtime entry point, mainCRTStartup, which makes sense because we're not linking the startup library. We can tell the linker to use our main function as the entry point by passing the -entry:main flag:

$ clang \
    -target x86_64-unknown-windows \
    -fuse-ld=lld-link \
    -nostdlib \
    -Wl,-entry:main \
    -o build/main.exe \

$ file build/main.exe
build/main.exe: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows


Great! We have a PE32+ executable. But notice that it says (console). This means that the executable is a console application, which cannot run on UEFI. We need to tell the linker to create a UEFI application instead by passing the -subsystem:efi_application flag:

$ clang \
    -target x86_64-unknown-windows \
    -fuse-ld=lld-link \
    -nostdlib \
    -Wl,-entry:main \
    -Wl,-subsystem:efi_application \
    -o build/main.exe \

$ file build/main.exe
build/main.exe: PE32+ executable (EFI application) x86-64, for MS Windows


Now we have a true UEFI application.

Cross-compiling Nim to PE32+

Let's try to do the same thing with Nim. We'll port the C program to Nim:

# main.nim

proc main(): int {.exportc.} =
    return 0

The {.exportc.} pragma tells the Nim compiler to export the function name as is, without any mangling. We do this because we need to pass the entry point name to the linker, and we don't want the compiler to mangle it.

Before we port this to Nim, we need to understand that Nim itself supports multiple targets. There are three arguments that influence the compilation/linking to a specific target:

  • --cpu(architecture), which defaults to the host architecture (in my case this is amd64, i.e. x86_64)
  • --os(operating system), which defaults to the host operating system (in my case this is linux)
  • --cc(backend compiler), which defaults to gcc (on Windows it relies on MinGW, which is a port of GCC to Windows)

Nim does support cross-compiling to Windows using the -d:mingw flag. However, while the executable we want is a Windows executable format, the target OS is not Windows, but UEFI. Nim doesn't have a target OS for UEFI, so we'll need to use the --os:any flag to tell the compiler to not use any OS-specific code (it only expects a handful of ANSI C library functions to be available). We'll Nim to use specific values for these arguments.

We also pass the clang flags we used earlier to the compiler and linker using the --passc and --passl flags respectively.

$ nim c \
    --nimcache:build \
    --cpu:amd64 \
    --os:any \
    --cc:clang \
    --passc:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows" \
    --passc:"-ffreestanding" \
    --passl:"-fuse-ld=lld-link" \
    --passl:"-nostdlib" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-entry:main" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-subsystem:efi_application" \
    --out:build/main.exe \
.../lib/system/osalloc.nim(218, 10) Error: Port memory manager to your platform

The compiler is complaining that it doesn't know how to allocate memory on this platform. This makes sense because we're not targeting any OS. Since we don't have an OS yet, we need a way to provide memory allocation primitives to the Nim compiler. The Nim docs say:

The -d:useMalloc option configures Nim to use only the standard C memory manage primitives malloc(), free(), realloc(). If your platform does not provide these functions it should be trivial to provide an implementation for them and link these to your program.

OK, at least we have a way to provide memory allocation primitives to Nim, instead of assuming they're provided by an existing OS (e.g. mmap on Linux or VirtualAlloc on Windows). Since we don't have an OS yet, let's implement a simple bump allocator backed by a fixed-size buffer. To keep things simple, we will not worry about freeing memory for now (we'll get to that later when we implement a proper memory manager).

# malloc.nim


  heap*: array[1*1024*1024, byte] # 1 MiB heap
  heapBumpPtr*: int = cast[int](addr heap)
  heapMaxPtr*: int = cast[int](addr heap) + heap.high

proc malloc*(size: csize_t): pointer {.exportc.} =
  if heapBumpPtr + > heapMaxPtr:
    return nil

  result = cast[pointer](heapBumpPtr)
  inc heapBumpPtr,

proc calloc*(num: csize_t, size: csize_t): pointer {.exportc.} =
  result = malloc(size * num)

proc realloc*(p: pointer, new_size: csize_t): pointer {.exportc.} =
  result = malloc(new_size)
  copyMem(result, p, new_size)

proc free*(p: pointer) {.exportc.} =

Notice that I added the {.used.} pragma at the top of the file. This tells the compiler to consider the module as used, even if we don't call any of its procs directly. Otherwise, the compiler will consider it dead code and will eliminate it from the output.

For Nim to actually know about this module, we need to import it in our main module:

# main.nim

import malloc

Now let's pass the -d:useMalloc flag to the compiler and try to compile again:

$ nim c \
    --nimcache:build \
    --cpu:amd64 \
    --os:any \
    --cc:clang \
    --passc:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows" \
    --passc:"-ffreestanding" \
    --passl:"-fuse-ld=lld-link" \
    --passl:"-nostdlib" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-entry:main" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-subsystem:efi_application" \
    -d:useMalloc \
    --out:build/main.exe \
/home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@sstd@sprivate@sdigitsutils.nim.c:8:10: fatal error: 'string.h' file not found
    8 | #include <string.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~
/home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c:8:10: fatal error: 'setjmp.h' file not found
    8 | #include <setjmp.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~
/home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@mmain.nim.c:113:5: error: conflicting types for 'main'
  113 | int main(int argc, char** args, char** env) {
      |     ^
/home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@mmain.nim.c:65:29: note: previous definition is here
   65 | N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NI, main)(void) {


We're getting a different error, which means that Nim is happy with our memory allocation primitives.

At first glance, it looks like we're missing some C headers. It turns out that clang needs to be told where to find the system headers. In my case, the headers are located in /usr/include (on macOS, the system headers are located at `xcrun --show-sdk-path`/usr/include), so we'll pass that to the compiler using the-I flag:

$ nim c \
    --nimcache:build \
    --cpu:amd64 \
    --os:any \
    --cc:clang \
    --passc:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows" \
    --passc:"-ffreestanding" \
    --passc:"-I/usr/include" \
    --passl:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows" \
    --passl:"-fuse-ld=lld-link" \
    --passl:"-nostdlib" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-entry:main" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-subsystem:efi_application" \
    -d:useMalloc \
    --out:build/main.exe \
/home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@mmain.nim.c:113:5: error: conflicting types for 'main'
  113 | int main(int argc, char** args, char** env) {
      |     ^
/home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@mmain.nim.c:65:29: note: previous definition is here
   65 | N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NI, main)(void) {


Note: On macOS, the system headers are located at `xcrun --show-sdk-path`/usr/include, so you'll need to replace /usr/include with that path in the --passc flag. Also, you'll need to pass --passc:"-fgnuc-version=4.2.1" (which defines __GNUC__) to avoid any macOS-specific marcros and stick with the GNU C ones.

In order to understand what's going on here it's important to note that, unlike C, Nim programs are not required to have a main function. You can have a file with code at the top level and it will be executed when the program starts. When we defined a main proc (which, to Nim, is just another proc that has no special meaning), we caused a conflict with the main function that the Nim compiler generates by default. Since we're not going to rely on the C library startup code, we need to take over the startup process ourselves. We can tell Nim to not generate its own main function by passing the --noMain:on flag.

However, by doing so, we lose initialization of global variables done by the automatically generated NimMain function. We can get it back by forward importing NimMain and calling it from our main proc:

# main.nim

proc NimMain() {.importc.}

proc main(): int {.exportc.} =
    return 0

Let's try to compile again with the --noMain:on flag:

$ nim c \
    --nimcache:build \
    --cpu:amd64 \
    --os:any \
    --cc:clang \
    --passc:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows" \
    --passc:"-ffreestanding" \
    --passc:"-I/usr/include" \
    --passl:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows" \
    --passl:"-fuse-ld=lld-link" \
    --passl:"-nostdlib" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-entry:main" \
    --passl:"-Wl,-subsystem:efi_application" \
    -d:useMalloc \
    --noMain:on \
    --out:build/main.exe \
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: memcpy
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@sstd@sprivate@sdigitsutils.nim.c.o:(nimCopyMem)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(nimCopyMem)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: stderr
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(raiseOutOfMem__system_u5532)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(writeToStdErr__system_u3828)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: exit
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(raiseOutOfMem__system_u5532)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(callDepthLimitReached__system_u4467)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(signalHandler)
>>> referenced 1 more times

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: fwrite
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(rawWrite)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(rawWriteString)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: fflush
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(rawWrite)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(rawWriteString)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: strlen
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(nimCStrLen)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: signal
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(registerSignalHandler__system_u4487)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(registerSignalHandler__system_u4487)
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(registerSignalHandler__system_u4487)
>>> referenced 2 more times

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: memset
>>> referenced by /home/khaled/.cache/nim/main_d/@m..@s..@s.choosenim@stoolchains@snim-2.0.0@slib@ssystem.nim.c.o:(nimSetMem__systemZmemory_u7)


OK, the linker is complaining that it can't find some C functions. This is because we're targeting --os:any, which expects a handful of ANSI C library functions to be available for Nim to use:

  • memset and memcpy for some memory operations
  • strlen for string length
  • fwrite and fflush for writing to a file descriptor
  • stderr for printing to standard error (not a function, but a global variable)
  • signal for signal handlers
  • exit for exiting the program

Since our OS won't be a POSIX system, we can disable signals by passing the -d:noSignalHandler flag. For the rest of the functions, we'll need to implement them ourselves. Also, Nim includes implementation of some memory functions, which we can leverage by passing the -d:nimNoLibc flag.

Before we go any further, let's move the compiler flags to a nim.cfg file in the project root, so we don't have to pass them every time we compile:

# nim.cfg




--passc:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows"

--passl:"-target x86_64-unknown-windows"
$ nim c main.nim --out:build/main.exe
.../lib/std/typedthreads.nim(51, 10) Error: Threads not implemented for os:any. Please compile with --threads:off.

This seems weird. The --os:any target should disable threads by default, which we know is true because we didn't get this error when we passed the flags on the command line. It turns out that Nim processes its default nim.cfg file (which turns off threads for os:any) before the project nim.cfg file (which defines --os:any). So by the time the project nim.cfg file is processed, threads are already enabled. We can technically disable threads in the project nim.cfg file using --threads:off, but since the default nim.cfg makes a lot of decisions based on the os flag, we'll need to pass this flag explicitly every time we compile.

$ nim c --os:any main.nim --out:build/main.exe
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: stderr
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: exit
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: fwrite
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: fflush

We get less linker errors now, thanks to the --d:nimNoLibc and --d:noSignalHandler flags. We still, however, need to implement stderr, fwrite, fflush, and exit.

This section is already too long, so we'll continue in the next section, where we'll implement the missing C functions.

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